Tips to look good in wedding photos

Are you worried about looking good in wedding photographs? Forget about worries and put these tips into practice, so your photographs will be unsurpassed.

1. Poses and smiles

Do you never know what face or posture to put in front of the camera? We recommend spending some time rehearsing romantic poses for the big day. Looking for your best side, your best smile or the most flattering pose. The ideal, however, is that they adopt a natural style in front of the lens, leaving aside strident or exaggerated poses. Show yourself as you are and your wedding photos will be unique.

A romantic wedding couple shares an intimate moment outdoors with string lights in the background.

Consejos para salir bien guapos en las fotos de boda

¿Te preocupa  salir bien en las fotografías de la boda? Olvídate de las preocupaciones y pon en práctica estos consejos, así tus fotografías serán insuperables.

1. Poses y sonrisas

¿Nunca sabéis qué cara o postura poner ante la cámara? Te recomendamos pasar un rato ensayando las poses románticas para el gran día. Buscando cuál es tu mejor lado, tu mejor sonrisa o la pose más favorecedora. Lo ideal, no obstante, es que adopten un estilo natural frente el objetivo, dejando de lado poses estridentes o exageradas. Mostrarse tal y como son y las fotos de su boda serán únicas.

A lovely wedding couple poses together on a lush green lawn surrounded by tropical foliage.
A tender wedding moment captured as the couple shares a romantic kiss under a flowing white veil.

2. Enjoy

The main key to being absolutely perfect in the wedding photo session will be to relax and enjoy the big day to the fullest, without worries. Without a doubt, paying as little attention as possible to the photographer will help them appear in their images in a more natural way, always reflected in front of the camera will make them see themselves as they really are.

A joyful couple walks along a garden path with vibrant red flowers and palm trees.
A sweet wedding moment captured in a garden setting with red flowers blooming in the background.
A charming wedding photo with the couple sharing a playful moment under string lights.

2. Disfrutar

La clave principal para salir absolutamente perfectos en la sesión de fotos de boda será que se relajen y disfruten del gran día al máximo, sin preocupaciones. Sin duda, estar lo menos pendientes posible del fotógrafo los ayudará a salir en sus imágenes de una forma más natural, siempre reflejados ante la cámara los hará verse tal y como son en realidad.

A bride sits in a garden reading under a beautiful floral arch with pink and white roses.

3. Trust in the photographer

The connection with the photographer will be essential to be able to look handsome in the wedding photographs. Therefore, before taking any step, you must be clear about what style of photography they love and which best expresses their personality. Once you have chosen the wedding photographer, you will be able to establish a certain amount of trust with them that will undoubtedly help them to pose more relaxed in front of the camera.

A bride in white reaches for her wedding dress hanging among garden vines and pink flowers.
A groom in a beige suit smiles confidently in a garden setting on his wedding day.
A wedding couple poses between bright red doors in a garden pathway.

3. Confianza en el fotógrafo

La conexión con el fotógrafo será imprescindible para poder verse guapos en las fotografías de boda. Por ello, antes de dar cualquier paso, debes tener claro qué estilo de fotografía los enamora y cuál expresa mejor su personalidad. Una vez escogido el fotógrafo de boda podrás entablar con él cierta confianza que los ayudará, sin duda, a posar más relajados ante la cámara.

A person in a white robe stands at a vanity mirror holding coffee during wedding day preparations.

4. Perfect makeup and hairstyle

Something that should be essential is soft, discreet makeup with lots of light, away from the uncomfortable facial shine with a makeup base and translucent powder. Don't forget a natural hairstyle or any that fits perfectly with your features. of your face, whether it's a casual low updo, a ballerina bun or a hairstyle for loose hair, will help them feel unique, which will give them an incredible advantage to look practically perfect in wedding photographs.

A person wearing a white robe puts on earrings while getting ready for a wedding celebration.
A portrait in a garden setting with sunlit greenery and white fabric creating a dreamy atmosphere.
Someone in a beige suit checks their smartwatch while standing in dappled sunlight under trees.

4. Maquillaje y peinado perfectos

Algo que debe ser primordial es un maquillaje suave, discreto y con mucha luz, alejado de los incómodos brillos faciales de la mano de una base de maquillaje y de polvos traslúcidos,  no olvides un peinado natural o cualquiera que encaje a la perfección con las facciones de tu rostro, ya sea un recogido bajo desenfadado, un moño bailarina o un peinado para cabello suelto, los ayudará a sentirse únicos, lo que les dará una ventaja increíble para salir prácticamente perfectos en las fotografías de boda.

A dreamy floral arch decorated with pink roses frames a scene of someone in white sitting beneath it in a garden setting.

5. Rest to look radiant

Although sleeping well and relaxed the night or even the week before the wedding will be difficult, you should try to fall asleep. Otherwise, your face will show signs of tiredness and fatigue and, therefore, the camera will notice it. If you rest, you will feel better and have more vitality to fully enjoy the big day. So, the most recommended thing is about eight hours of sleep the night before the event to look absolutely brilliant in those romantic wedding photographs.

Roca Photo | Miami Wedding Photographer

If you have a dream and want the Roca Photo team to photograph it, contact us. With our wedding photographs, we transform your day into an unforgettable moment. But the most important thing is that you enjoy this fun experience together in a wedding photo session!

Three friends in sunglasses pose with heart-shaped fans, wearing black leather jackets and a white dress.

5. Descansar para lucir radiantes

Aunque dormir bien y relajados la noche o, incluso, la semana previa a la boda será difícil, deberás intentar conciliar el sueño. De lo contrario, tu rostro reflejará signos de cansancio y fatiga y, por ende, la cámara lo notará. Si descansas, te sentirás mejor y con mayor vitalidad para disfrutar al máximo del gran día. Así que, lo más recomendables son unas ocho horas de sueño la noche antes del evento para salir absolutamente relucientes en esas románticas fotografías de boda.

Roca Photo | Fotógrafo de bodas en Miami

Si tú tienes un sueño y quieres que el equipo de Roca Photo lo fotografíe, ponte en contacto con nosotros. Con nuestras fotografías de bodas, transformamos tu día en un momento inolvidable. Pero lo más importante es que, ¡disfruten juntos esta divertida experiencia en una sesión de fotos de su boda!

Newlyweds walk hand in hand down a brick path surrounded by lush garden trees on their wedding day.